We are sure, you must have understood, how it feels traveling with a group or two with a partner. Which one do you prefer? If you've reached the point 'need a different sensation', try a solo backpacking . Believe me, you will get a lot of valuable experience.
Jogja is one of the most backpacker friendly place in Indonesia. You will have many choices to travel, from mountains, sea, cave, culinary, culture, to paradise shopping . The problem of accommodation such as transportation and lodging is also easy to find, you just choose it. Here are some tourist destinations in Jogja that you can visit, when solo backpacking:
Learn about Culture: Sultan Palace
Perhaps this recommendation sounds somewhat mainstream. Learn about the culture at Sultan Palace. Even so, where else can you find a variety of historical witnesses about the land of Java? Meet and greet directly Abdi Dalem who sincerely serve Yogyakarta Palace? Or see for yourself how majestic and glorious Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace located in the heart of Jogja city? Make no mistake, this is where your solo backpacking will be more meaningful.
Feel the Simplicity of Jogja: Angkringan
For the nomads who had lived for years in Jogja, one of the most disturbing things is angkringan. Years after going from Jogja, Angkringan always creates a sense of wanting to return. Try chatting with locals who are also visited angkringan and feel the simplicity of Jogja here.
Down the Malioboro Street
As a normal human being 'confined' in a work routine for several days a week, often what we need is ' me time'. Why do not you try to walk along Malioboro Street and enjoy the typical atmosphere of Jogja there. Try the sensation of haggling, take a rickshaw, or enjoy an art show that is often there at some point on this street. Do not forget to bring a camera and wear clothes that are not hot, and feel the sensation of melting with thousands of other tourists who cross this Road every hour.
Hunting Snack in Kotagede Market
If you miss the snack-market snacks start you find difficult, try to stop at Kotagede Market. You will find a variety of culinary and typical snacks that you may last as a child. Rows of street vendors ranging from wet snacks to dry, very easy to meet so get into it. Happy nostalgia with the past through taste!
De Mata Trick Eye Museum
Believe me, the museum is not a boring place if you visit De Mata Trick Eye Museum. There are at least 120 three-dimensional images that seem to fill the walls of this museum. Oh, but you will travel alone? What if you want a selfie with a picture background in this museum? Well, no problem, it's time you get acquainted with other visitors in this museum!
Rent a Motor to Prambanan and Borobudur
You do not need to be confused about transportation during Jogja. Want to travel wherever, there is transportation that is ready to serve you, ranging from Transjogja, motorcycles, rickshaws, and so forth. If you do not want to use public transport, or too much trouble to bring a car, you can rent a motorbike in a motor rental that is widely available in Jogja. Try a trip to Prambanan Temple or a little further to Borobudur in Magelang. Discover the splendor of the temple that is the world's cultural heritage, and enjoy the rest of your time in Jogja freely as you travel alone.
Stay safe, travel enthusiast!
translate from : https://phinemo.com/destinasi-wisata-jogja-untuk-backpacker/