Explore to Rammang-Rammang Village
In the language of Makassar, Rammang-Rammang means a collection of "clouds" or "fog" that ultimately inspire the naming of tourist attractions in Maros, Pangkep Makassar because according to local people's story, the area around Rammang-Rammang is often shrouded in clouds or fog during morning or when it rains. Well that then makes the location of Rammang-Rammang is becoming very famous is the cluster of karst mountains (limestone mountains) that surround this region, both on the land and the river which makes the surrounding scenery is very beautiful and exotic. Wikipedia sources even mention that this karst Rammang-Rammang mountain region is the 3rd largest in the world after Tsingy in Madagascar and Shilin in China, wew ... Indonesia KEREN!

There are several ways to enjoy the beauty of cluster of karst mountains in Rammang-Rammang this, the first by way down the Pute River in this area, then by way of roaming a village that is in the middle of this area after going through the flow of Pute River, which is Kampung Berua and the last one is to directly visit the spot of rocks and karst karst from the land side, on the edge of the fields and the surrounding hills. Well in this part 1 article I will share a story about the beauty of Rammang-Rammang along the Pute River that will take us to the center of Kampung Berua for the next trekking around this cluster of karst mountains.

To down the Pute River there are 2 (two) docks that can be our starting point, namely dock 1 which is located in the axle road of Cement Plant Bosowa and dock 2 which is located not too far from dock 1. In general it is actually quite difficult also to be able to to the location of this pier, because almost no guidance signs leading to this place. So, input ya for local tourism managers to be able to complete the guidance signs not only when approaching the dermaganya but also since the journey from around the city of Maros that leads to the Rammang-Rammang tourist area is very minimal instructions. Thanks to my bro Kak Roy who had survey a few days earlier, so our group can be successful to get to the location on time without getting lost. Try it if the first time and have to find the location first, waaaa can not chase my aircraft schedule back to Jakarta ... wkwkwk.

Well this time we took the starting point from Pier 1 by hiring a boat with a capacity of 7 people. Oiya rental rates vary hamper ya gaes, depending on the size of the ship and the number of people. The tariff is already officially plastered on the dock, so make sure we pay according to the official rate. For ships with a capacity of 1 to 4 people, the tariff is Rp 200 thousand pp, capacity 5 to 7 people the rate is Rp 250 thousand pp and the capacity of 8 up to 10 people to the tariff of Rp 300 thousand pp. The location of Pier-1 which is located in the axis road of Cement Plant Bosowa is located approximately 40 km from the city of Makassar precisely on the border town of Maros and Pangkep, which can be reached within about 1 to 1.5 hours drive from Makassar.

The interesting thing about starting our journey is the limestone rocks in the middle of the river close to the location of the pier. Hmmm seemed to be in Belitung aja nih, just the difference if in Belitung most of the stones on the beach, if here the rocks in the river. But it is only in this spot wrote a lot of river stones, while the next journey no longer visible rocks in the middle of the river, although there are also some stones on the riverbank, but only a little, the rest is a stretch of river with greenish water color that sometimes widen the river or narrowed in certain spots. Well this section taste-it feels similar to Mangrove Forest tour in Nusa Dua Island Bali, only difference if in Bali the river is more narrow and almost closed with trees Mangroves, as if we walk in the river roofed Mangrove trees. While in the Pute River is more open nature, but also surrounded by shady trees, but the scenery of the hills and karst mountains around it is very clear, even it will feel very sunburn if your journey is proper in the day hole ... hehe. So do not forget to bring a hat and sun block, bro sis, guaranteed to burn deh kalo over time!

Oiya, at some point in this river we too will pass the caves decorated with unique carvings on the walls ... hmm .. beautiful hell, like carved aja nih, but natural loh. In addition, Pute River is also surrounded by karst mountains that clearly visible because of its contiguous location. Some historic caves we can see from a distance on the mountains. If interested, can be discussed with the driver of the ship to stop by climbing trekking up to the cave on the hill, so prepare the mountain sandals and stamina ok ya gaes, guaranteed tired of course. Because we all pengennya tourist casual-just wrote besides me also just use the sandals flops, how the story want trekking manjat-manjat ya? ok mang ship, go on the way, trekking to the cave next time aja deh, let me have a reason to come back here next time, hahaha!

After about 45 minutes of our journey down this Pute River and having met some lizards, ducks, geese, birds and other animals that roam along this river bank, we arrived at the final stop to go to Kampung Berua Rammang- Rammang which means, trekking trip in the mainland along the fields, ponds and hills, we will start from now.