12 Amazing Destinations Are Proof that Indonesia Is Not Just Bali
The popularity of the name of Bali in the world of international tourism is already no doubt. So famous, the name of Indonesia itself is still less internationally known than Bali
Try it if you are traveling overseas and introduce your home country, foreign tourists know Bali better than Indonesia. Then, when you ask which destinations in Indonesia you want to visit, most will answer "Bali".
Yep, Bali is already attached and become an icon of Indonesian tourism. Let Indonesia tourism is not focused on Bali doang, then Kemenpar began to prioritize other tourist destinations that are not less cool than Bali in the program 10 Bali New.
Flores and Wakatobi into two of Kemenpar's 10 priority destinations. Well, in line with Kemenpar, Bali & Beyond Travel Fair also participate in promoting Flores and Wakatobi. Not only Flores and Wakatobi, there are also Tana Toraja and Tanjung Puting who participated promoted. What is interesting is Wakatobi, Flores, Tana Toraja, and Tanjung Puting?
The beauty of diving spots are House Reef, Cornucopia, Coral Garden, and Rome in the waters of Wakatobi make the divers fall in love
To see other interesting Wakatobi destinations you can visit here.
Not only the beauty of the underwater world is charming, Wakatobi have a tradition of Karia who still remain awake in the midst of Liya Raya community in the tourist village of Liya Togo
The graceful movements of the dancers and the profound meaning of the Lariangi dance became a tourist attraction that began ogled
In addition to Wakatobi, Flores comes with underwater beauty that is not less cool. In fact, the coral reefs in the waters of Komodo and Labuan Bajo were named the best underwater diving spot along with Raja Ampat!
No less fascinating is Kelimutu Lake in Flores. This volcanic lake is known to change color. Very beautiful ..
Wae Rebo's custom house may be no stranger to you, but already knowing you with Caci war dance? The traditional dance belongs to the Manggarai, Flores community is played by two male dancers who whip each other and protect themselves with a shield
Indonesia also still has Tanjung Putting National Park, a place where orangutans are protected from extinction. This tourist destination so attracted the attention of foreign tourists who want to see the orangutan life up close
No less interesting, Central Kalimantan began to revive the Festival Babukung. This festival is followed by many dancers who wear various kinds of masks with different supporting characters (ghosts)
Cool again, it turns out Central Kalimantan not just have Tanjung Puting. You can enjoy the beautiful white sand and calming views of Tanjung Keluang beach
Lastly, Bali & Beyond Travel Fair offer to the world of beautiful Tana Toraja tourist destinations that are identical with their traditional Tongkonan house
Oiya, play games to Tana Toraja not just beautiful photos in front of traditional house Tongkonan, you can stop by enjoy the green view Toraja from Mentirotiku
To see other interesting Tana Toraja destinations you can visit here.
No less interesting, Tana Toraja known as "his death tour" save the cave grave is so unique, its name Natural Cave Look Allo
So, agree not if Indonesia is not just about Bali? Well, now it's time for us as young people of Indonesia to promote other Indonesian tourism. Not only Bali, you can introduce 12 destinations above to your friends wherever they are. How? Share this article! Let many people know more and love Indonesia.